December 11, 2015

Selamat Atas Terpilihnya Wakil Rakyat Periode 2015-2020

YABI – ILMCI MENGUCAPKAN SELAMAT KEPADA OLLY DONDOKAMBAY  SEBAGAI GUB. PROPINSI SULUT  2015 -2020 Jakarta. Berdasarkan hasil sementara hitungan cepat atau Hasil Quick Count Pilgub Sulut […]
March 25, 2015

The Delivery of Education Voucher “Pusterad Smart Child”

The signing of the delivery of Education Voucher “Intelligent Child Pusterad” to Pusterad Commander Maj Meris Wiryadi on 24-3-2015 in Pusterad headquarters.
March 12, 2015

ILMCI, Inc.’s Cooperation with Pusterad

The signing of the cooperation MOU between ILMCI, Inc. and Pusterad with Maj Meris Wiryadi, S.IP, MH, on 11-3-2015 in Pusterad headquarters
February 16, 2015

ILMCI Give FREE Online Tryout UN Exercise

On the occasion of the National Examination that will begin within few months, ILMCI provides FREE service to all students to practice UN questions online. This […]
February 16, 2015

ILMCI Berikan Latihan Online Tryout UN GRATIS!!!

Menjelang Ujian Nasional beberapa bulan lagi, ILMCI memberikan layanan GRATIS kepada seluruh siswa untuk latihan soal-soal UN secara online. Prediksi dan Latihan Tryout ini ditujukan untuk […]
January 13, 2015

Cooperation between KSPSI and PT ILMCI INDONESIA

The signing of the cooperation MOU between ILMCI, Inc. and KSPSI on 12-01-2015 in terms of making a website and laborer’s intelligent child program.
November 4, 2014

Kerjasama ILMCI dan KORLANTAS (dalam proses)

DR. Sofian Tjandera bersama Kakorlantas RI Irjen Condro Kirono dalam program Gerakan Keselamatan Berlalu Lintas  
September 25, 2014

A Hearing with the President about “Guard Indonesia Movement” Program

LP2I Tipikor hearing with PT. ILMCI before the President in “Guard Indonesia Movement” program at the city hall on 24 September 2014.
August 26, 2014

2015, National Examination to Be Held Online

JAKARTA – JAKARTA – National Exam (UN) will be online starting next year. There will be no longer paper on table because the students will work on […]
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